
Electraflow Di-electric Grease is very resistant to water wash-off and has excellent dielectric properties to insulate and waterproof electrical connections.

Can be used for a large number of electrical and electronic applications to prevent arcing & voltage drops.

The product is developed to withstand high temperatures and is more resistant towards organic solvents than more conventional types of lubricating greases.

The product is tasteless and odourless.

The products are H1 registered, 2Probity #AK1920027.

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Product Information


  • Registered H1 Food Grade
  • Excellent water & chemical resistance
  • Prevents corrosion on electrical connections
  • Prevents voltage drop & arcing
  • Wide application temperature range


  • Electrical terminals and switches
  • High temperature application
  • Junction boxes and connections
  • Food processing industry, etc

Standard Packages

  • 250g pot with brush

Product Code/Viscosity/Variant


These are only available via request.

Please contact us for more information.

Get In Touch with Pacific Lubrication Consultants

If you want to enquire or have any queries, call us at Pacific Lubrication Consultants on 1300 733 929, and we will be happy to assist you.

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