We pride ourselves in providing the highest quality services and food grade lubricants for Food & Beverage companies.
Pacific Lubrication Consultants is an Australia-wide supplier of food grade oils, greases and aerosols.
Machine Oil FG High


Caxtreme FG (45, 150, 400)

Hydro Syn PAO - Food Grade Synthetic Hydraulic Oil

Hydro Flow - Food Grade - Hydraulic Oil

Chain Guard

Ultra Rust Release

Cargo Fluor Nlgi 2

Helping you meet the needs
of increasing food safety standards
Pacific Lubrication Consultants are the Australian agents for Cargo Oil, one of Europe’s leading food industry lubrication companies. Cargo Oil is manufactured to H1 levels of compliance and performance, meeting all necessary certification by the Food & Beverage industry with an extensive product range that will cover all your applications.
The Lubricant Specialists for the Food & Beverage Industry in Australia
At Pacific Lubrication Consultants, we have over 80 years experience in the lubrication industry. We are the leading food grade lubricant specialists in Australia, providing 2Probity, H1 Registered food grade Lubricants – oils, greases and aerosols for the Food and Beverage sector.
We pride ourselves in providing the highest quality service, lubrication solutions, equipment, training and food grade lubricants across NSW, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania with our broad range of food grade lubricants from Cargo Oil, a leading food-grade lubricant manufacturer.

The LUBESAFE® Food Safety Program
Discover our complete Food Safety Lubrication System designed to give you a HACCP audit compliant system for your food processing facilities maintenance program.

Access our New Aerosol Catalouge
Discover our full range of food grade aerosols with in-depth info in one handy booklet.

Product resources
Get easy access to Food Grade Certificates, Safety Data Sheets, our product catalogue and more.

Our Food Grade Lubricants
We provide non-toxic, clean and safe lubrication for all machinery and deliver superior performance under complex working conditions such as extreme pressure, high temperature, direct food contact, chemical exposure, wet conditions and high humidity.
Wherever food, drinks, or animal feed are made, processed, packaged, or bottled, our food grade lubricants fulfil the highest safety requirements along with superior technical performance. Thus, they facilitate a seamless production process, higher efficiency levels, and a longer operating life for your machinery and systems.
Australia’s largest food and beverage companies utilise Pacific Lubrication Consultants to supply CARGO oil, greases and aerosol lubricants along with our unique LUBESAFE® food safety lubrication program.

The benefits of correct lubrication
By having a committed focus on lubrication and recognising its importance, your company will benefit in many ways:
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