Synthetic Vacuum Oil


Synthetic Vacuum Oil is based on synthetic fluids, giving exceptional corrosion prevention and good shear stability. The lubricating oil is suitable for most types of vacuum pumps. Compatible with seals and gaskets commonly used in vacuum pumps. Good anti-wear properties and good filterability.

Synthetic Vacuum Oil is registered as H1 and allowed for incidental food contact (max. 10 ppm). The lubricant doesn’t form fumes or odours that can contaminate or damage products.

This product is H1 registered, 2Probity #AK1920033.

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Product Information


  • Oxidation stability
  • Good Shear stability
  • Low oil consumption
  • Compatible with seals and gaskets


  • Food industry
  • Mobile compressors
  • Stationary compressors
  • Vacuum pumps

Standard Packages

  • 5L can
  • 20L pail
  • 210L drum

Product Code/Viscosity/Variant

  • 2601-068 / Synthetic Vacuum Oil ISO 68
  • 2601-100 / Synthetic Vacuum Oil ISO 100

These are only available via request.

Please contact us for more information.

Get In Touch with Pacific Lubrication Consultants

If you want to enquire or have any queries, call us at Pacific Lubrication Consultants on 1300 733 929, and we will be happy to assist you.

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